Send messages to many or all groups
To send a message to many / all users in the Secretariat section, select → Groups
Then under the group list, select the icon
Note the number of items marked once. If the view contains 10 groups then the selection applies only to visible groups.
If you want to select more items, select the desired quantity in the row, in the form in the upper right corner of the page
We recommend sending messages to users in groups with a single selection of up to 10 groups visible on the list.
A one-time attempt to send a message to all participants of active groups may conflict with your mail server's settings.
Depending on the anti-spam settings, servers often block simultaneous mass mailing.
After selecting the selected groups, use the icon below the list: Messages to users
In the appearing modal specify:
- The date the message was sent.
- Message Type. Choose email / sms option or both options
- Recipient type. Indicate: stusents /guardians /teacher
- Select the sender of the message. When selecting an email, enter the sender.
- Add title. Enter content