Add students and guardians
We can add students and mentors to the system in three places:
- In the Secretariat Section - under the Students tab
- When adding a Group
- When adding the Agreement
To add a new Student to the system in the Secretariat section, select → Students → Add Student.
You will get the view as below screen×
- Provide student details: name, surname, e-mail address, mobile phone number
- If the student is a minor, then the Parent / Guardian should also be added
- If the Caregiver data has already been added to the system, do not enter it again, but select / search for the Caregiver in the field - Choose a caregiver, if it has already been entered (orange frame)
- If the Supervisor's address details are the same as those of the Student - use the button -
- If necessary, we can also add the second guardian's data to the system.
- If the school student is an adult, then there is no need to add guardian data.
- It is enough to complete the basic data, i.e. name and surname.
- Using the 'Additional information' option, we add more data after clicking
pupil or guardian (gender, date of birth, address information, social security number, etc.)
The "E-mail" and "Phone Number" fields are optional fields. However, supplementing them is necessary at the time when we plan to provide the Student with a system account or to communicate with him via email, or send SMS messages (see → Creating system accounts for students / guardians)
Note: The system cannot have two users with the same email address. The system will not allow saving such data.
- If the billing entity to which you will issue financial documents is a company - you can assign company data to a specific student using the option, as shown in the following view:
- When adding company data, you can use the option - Download company data from the Central Statistical Office. If you know the NIP number, enter it in the "NIP number" field and click on the blue cloud icon. This will download and complete the company's data from the CSO database.
Warning! If there is a Student or Guardian with the same name and surname in the system, the system will ask us if we really want to introduce this student or guardian again. We can confirm or reject the operation.
- If we add Students / Guardians to the system from the Secretariat-> Students section, then when adding Groups or an Agreement - Students / Guardians we will be able to choose from the list of students already added to the system, as shown in the following views: ×
No matter where we enter the Student / Guardian system, the data will be the same everywhere.